The bouquet is the most important accessory for the Bride. It is her sign of recognition after the veil. Each flower has its own meaning and together with its color it launches a very precise message. The choice of flowers is among the simplest things, but also more complex.
I have collected the 5 tips on how to choose the bridal bouquet to keep everything your life easier.
1. Choose the type of wedding bouquet
Not everyone knows that there are various types and shapes of bouquets.
Brides often rush to the florist without any knowledge about it and its questions are always a surprise. So, here are some guidelines for not being unprepared:
Compact and round bouquet: simple and classic. She is fine with short or tube-length wedding dresses.
Cascading Bouquet: with a unique romanticism it fits perfectly with mermaid dresses;
Voluminous bouquet: with large flowers and long stem, combined with Empire style , elegant and fine wedding dresses
2. Always Follow Wedding Style
Once you have chosen the theme of the wedding, everything must be in line with that style. You will not be able to present a winter bouquet to a wedding inspired by the marine environment. So organize the style of the wedding in good time and get your trustworthy florist to recommend what you think is closer to the topic.
Think also about the meanings of flowers and their colors.
3. Think about which flowers are best suited
Even before the artistic aspect, one must think of the smell of flowers Or rather to their perfume. The advice I can give you is to always choose seasonal flowers, so that they are fresh and fragrant.
The bouquet will always accompany you throughout the day of your wedding and will have to hold on as much as possible.
For example, inform yourself on which flowers resist most to the heat in case the day of your wedding takes place in the summer.
4. Know The Meaning Of Flowers
Each flower has its own meaning which is very important to consider for the composition of
the bouquet. Among the most famous and most requested for the bouquet, we have:
the rose, a symbol of devotion;
the hyacinth, which indicates loyalty in love;
the calla, which together with the orchids, represent femininity;
the lily, synonymous with purity and nobility.
And the list goes on and it's very long!
Think about the message you want to send to your wedding and make it through your bouquet.
5. Compensate the wedding dress with the bouquet
The bouquet is a fundamental accessory for the bride's outfit. It represents tradition and a message that the bride wants to send to her guests. Moreover, it is a great partner of the wedding dress. Exactly, bouquet and dress go hand in hand.
If your dress is very simple and elegant, you can dare and indulge yourself with the bouquet of flowers, focusing on strong and tenacious colors. Or stay more classical in the case of a very gorgeous dress. In short, the bouquet must be the opposite of the dress!